Our goal is to make 100% of global energy consumption renewable in the future. MOTIO uses very concrete projects to show how the energy transition can come real, accessible to all, and economically viable.

We handle the planning and construction of generation plants as well as their operation for decentralised local supply. 

We support companies, municipalities, and investors on their journey towards using renewable energies.

We are also active operators and investors ourselves. By providing sound counsel, we ensure maximum local value creation for a CO2-neutral future. MOTIO lives the future, here and now.


Efficient solutions. For you.

What counts for us are solutions. Fast, effective, and realistic solutions. The MOTIO core team unites essential experience and the necessary professional competence, so that you receive first-class advice and support at all times. Our experts are well-versed in project development and management and the operation of plants, whether the energy is generated in the form of electricity, hydrogen or power-to-liquid (PtL), as well as public relations and policy advocacy. We are a manageable, very flexible team that provides timely answers to your questions thanks to our efficient structure. Our standards are high, our pace fast. Whether developing projects or implementing the supply, or dialoguing with political protagonists – you always speak directly to the decision-makers.


Strong concepts for real-life applications

The energy transition must become a reality. Now. This means we need pragmatic concepts that can be put into action 1:1. MOTIO delivers practical examples for how wind farms and photovoltaic systems can make a regional energy supply possible. Better yet: To ensure a realistic design for using renewable energies, we keep the entire value chain in mind. We take action in the B2B and B2C sectors as well as in the public sphere, because a sustainable energy economy knows no borders. The energy transition is a global challenge that we accept on the strength of our beliefs.